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And So We All Agreed That All Men Are Scum!

Men are Scum....
My friends and I formed a group on WhatsApp and Twitter and called it “ The Phoenix rises”.
It was for women who have had bitter experiences with these creatures called MEN.
It was for Women, who believed in the same things and had the same ideals. We believed that MEN were complicated beings and just existed to hurt women. so, ideally, we used and dumped them without blinking an eye lid.

Men are Scum....
We were constantly on social media propagating our cause and would lash out at men for no reason at all, you could easily spot us in the comment section - those scumbags deserved it!
Yeah, call us whatever you want, we just believed that good men didn't exist anymore.

Men are Scum...
The girls and I would meet up from time to time at a friends place for a few bottles of delicious wine to discuss the most important issue at hand at the time “Men"
I mean, a man tells you he loves you and then a few seconds later runs off with the next thing in a skirt. smh!

Men are Scum...
We were once thrown out of the cinema because we were caught throwing popcorn at a couple. The poor girl! The idiot she was with was going to dump her soon, I’m pretty sure he was there for a quick one in the dark. Very typical!

Men are Scum....
These men think we are damsels in distress; who told them we were weak and helpless,who told them we couldn’t pay our own bills, party how we wanted and who ever told them we were not

We do deserve the same rights as men, there are no gender roles as far as we were concerned.
Our motto was “ What a man can do a woman can do much better”.

Men are Scum....
We are currently at a wedding.
One of our founding members is getting married today, another member is currently expecting, and these two are our strongest advocates. So, what part did we miss then, are men still SCUM

Are men still SCUM?
The truth is that not all men are Scum, the same way women say “Men are terrible”is the same way some men complain about their horrid experiences with women.
 A few terrible ones doesn't make all of them entirely bad.
From what we saw today and from how the couple looked at each other; it is a clear indication that true love does exist and that there  are still good people out there, somewhere in the world or ....... 2ft away from you.

Perhaps,  meeting them was some kind of life lesson, perhaps not. Maybe we were in each other’s
lives to learn something, maybe not. You decided.

I have to go now.....I need to get back to enjoying this Jollof rice and think up creative ways to smuggle some out. Tonight, I’m going to loosen up a little and have a little fun. I’m done following these types of groups.


  1. Love the flow of your creative writing. I also appreciate your ability to be objective despite your experience. Great post!

    1. Thank you so much! I appreciate your constant positive input. The objective is to turn simple day-to-day life experience into a laid back/fun post through storytelling and at the same time pass the underlying message that effects us in these climes. We are glad you enjoyed it😆


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