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Don’t let them get you, ever!

The mind is such a beautiful part of being human because our thoughts are shaped and processed by our minds. What we believe to be true or a fact, becomes our reality.

Excuse the long explanation and stuff.....let’s apply this theory to a real-life situation. Now, there is Brother A who is the optimistic go-getter, and there is Bother B; he has managed to convince himself that nothing good will ever come to him without a motive behind it.
They go on living their lives, but brother A is the star; everyone loves being around him not because he doesn’t go through stuff himself but because his mindset has been programmed to take on challenges and seek out other ways to make things happen. Being around him is comforting and pleasurable.
On the other hand, brother B blames everyone except himself for the failures he has experienced in life and comes to the conclusion that Brother A must be using some kind of juju because his mind can’t fantom how someone who wasn’t half as qualified as he was could be so lucky.

  I used to be in that place except for the part that everyone uses voodoo for success. Lol
I self-sabotaged myself into believing that I didn't deserve certain things and that adversely affected my work and home life. I wondered why things didn’t work out as I expected them to no matter how hard I tried. It was a frustrating and depressing stage of my life. One day, I sat by myself and asked myself hard questions; you know those questions we sometimes tend to run away from or overlook? I realized that I had been throwing a lot of pity parties for myself, I even tried to make it cool by throwing in a DJ and comfort food to set the mood for these ridiculous pity parties ( Sad music and lots of food topped with ice-cream). At the end of the day after my long hours at these parties, I would convince myself or allow other people’s opinion and insecurities rub off negatively on me.

The moment I realized what the root causes were, I decided to take responsibility for my own life. That was when I realized that I had accepted certain low standards for myself. I made sure to cut all those out completely. Because those patterns had become a habit that had taken a front-row seat in my life.

To stir me in the right direction

I stared with a list of thing I was grateful for, a list of things that no longer served me, new habits I had to adapt and set goals to where I was headed in life. It was a slow process but it did work. Things started to change. I started looking at life differently

Funny thing is I also had to cut music that was feeding me sadness subconsciously. The mind picks up on really weird stuff. Lol

“Hey, How is your life now”, you may ask? Well, it’s in a better place. I have never felt happier. I don’t run away or cower in fear. I just do it!

So, my message to you would be:
Do the things you love
Follow your passion
Take care of yourself
Do pamper yourself from time to time
Write a plan in the direction you want your life to go
Write clear goals on how will achieve them
Celebrate yourself and your achievements big or small, you deserve it
Practice gratitude and mean it
Say thank you and please
Appreciate the people in your life
Love nature and appreciate them. They are absolutely beautiful and does a lot for your soul
Speak goodness into your life
Don’t accept other people's opinion of you as your reality

You will be fine, I promise you.


  1. Absolutely interesting and relatable. Sometimes before a job or deal fails I already assume it would go bad and when it does I just get very discouraged.

    1. Most of us had that mindset. We felt we weren't worthy enough. I have come to realise that what belongs to us will always find it's a way without hassle. Doing what you do!


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