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You May Call It 'The Return Of The Flying Monkey' But I Freaking Love My Job!!!

If there was anything to describe where I worked .....I would call it a blend of scenes from African magic, the Chinese Dragons with a blend of scenes from the movie Men in black
I worked in a place that  had mixture of races under its employ at constant logger heads almost every minute and these arguments were about the usual things; why somesome did not do his/her job or how some one was rude to another or  about some office gossip
We didn't need any kind of Television program to entertain ourselves while we worked ..everything was at our disposal and for FREE!!! the only problem was that we could not decide what movie or which country we were visiting -as the actors chose what character they would play depending on their mood, all we needed was a bowl of pop corn
It was hilarious  because when an argument broke out ...everyone one would immediately take on a character, most of the time it was usually a Chinese kunfo character, a pissed off Nigerian market woman or some cool super hero from an American flick
Years of working in different establishments had taught me how to mange people, I also find it very interesting and overwhemling because immediately a fight or argument is over ..the people involved smile and shake hands moments later
At first it used to bother me until I saw them drink beer and pepper soup after the close of work and I'm like " variety is indeed the spice of life"
Sometimes when I hear that some of our politicians argue and fight in the open but are friends behind closed doors..I begin to  wonder if they ever worked in my office...and that in itself  has inspired my ambition to become a successful politician someday
I don't care what you think ..But I freaking love my work place!!!! hahaha!


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