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Sometimes I Just Want to............

Be sincere! I know you feel that way sometimes wish you can smack the taste out of their mouth on the busy streets of Lagos.

it's annoying how many people don't care for their safety, let alone the safety of other road users. Don't get me wrong, most of the time these aren't drivers under the influence; it's either caused by plain ignorance or stupidity.

Certain factors drive an unqualified driver in search of a job especially when they hear the pay is good.  A good-paying job does not equal having the right skill set to apply. Unfortunately, they scheme their way in with the hopes to learn on the job.

Okada/motorcycle and Keke riders, danfo buses, and major public transport drivers have gradually turned driving experiences into nightmares.

I recall getting a call one fine morning for a job at a recording studio and I figured taking a bike would help me beat traffic and get me there on time, I got a bike almost immediately - wrong decision 

The first problem was that the bike man did not understand English; I tried to communicate with him the best I could in pidgin, got on the bike, and then the drama began to unfold. 

The bike man was ignorant, he broke all the traffic rules all at once, he was either riding on the wrong side of the road, swearing at another driver, or combining reckless driving with the already bad situation 

My blood pressure shot up. It was unbelievable how at peace he was in the midst of the chaos he created.

The driver was older, so it made yelling and swearing almost impossible due to his age... I remember nudging him with my bag a few times, not because I loved roughness but because he just didn't care if we both got killed! - I could do that at least.

Sometimes I wondered if they had spare lives somewhere and maybe thought he could varnish from the scene whenever he chose.

I don't think we got to my destination, I got off angrily and used the nicest swear words I could imagine.

The good news, however, is that the Lagos State Government has placed a ban on commercial motorcycle 
Normalcy has returned to our streets 
The effect of this however is the loss of jobs - a vast majority have been left jobless, leaving them susceptible to their vices.

Just recently, a friend of mine needed drivers for a chaveure business, I was privileged to witness them conduct interviews and driving tests for all applicants. Some ended well and others didn't quite make it. 

One of the applicants supposedly worked as a BRT (commercial bus) driver. His interview was cut by half judging by his work profile and level of experience. The shocking revelation was that he only worked there for a day and got fired the next day after he crashes a bus. His driving confirmed the worst. 

It's unbelievable what people do to get jobs, and the danger they put themselves and other road users in. 
Extreme road rage is also a by-product of these types of driving and incompetence. 

If you live in Lagos and don't cuss out every 5 seconds you must be living under a rock!


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