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Good afternoon, the slight rainfall today makes it feels like we are still in the a.m. I love it😍 ... I have found that when we declutter we get rid of things we no longer need, find things we thought we lost and re-organise our lives and energies . Too much clutter can cause significant stress in our lives in numerous ways than I can count. . THE IMPORTANCE OF DE-CLUTTERING . . . ✅ You save more energy and devote attention to the important things that matter most to you ✅ You function and think better ✅ It is good for your emotional state, I can't function in clutter! - No one should ✅ You let go of things that no longer serve you ✅ It is therapeutic, try it and thank me later ... . This cup of tea is a reward to myself after de-cluttering today. A good job well done Zee! **Small reminder, my  birthday is on the 28th** 😆 

My Heart...I'm So In Love.

I was listening to Johnny Drille's - Romeo and Juliet and watching my favorite TV show at the same time when my doorbell rang, It was Nonso, he lived on my street, and I was secretly crushing on him. It was quite a shock to see him because all we did was smile at each other whenever we crossed paths jogging every morning. He was a very handsome man and quite tall, If I could guess correctly I would say he was around 6ft 4 inches tall. All the girls loved Nonso, he was such a charmer. He had beautiful dark brown glistening skin and a very toned body and nice legs; let me also add that, Nunu, as he was fondly called had the most amazing smile which showed off his cute dimples every time he smiled and he also had eyes that looked through your soul. Oh!..back to my story. So, here he was standing outside my front door, and here I was staring back at him in shock.  I did my best to hide my expression. His presence suddenly made me weak in the knees. I must have stared at him for ...

I Did it All by Myself - No Shame at all

I can't believe it, all of it is gone! I had ordered a portion of yam porridge, plantain porridge and some vegetable to go with it with the thought that one may taste better than the other and at least I will be compensated with whichever tasted better. I whipped out my phone and took a hasty picture and was ready to post a not-so-good review on google. But, guess what? the first taste of each spoon sent me to heaven and back! I tried it the second time to make sure that my tastebuds weren't playing tricks on me, but alas, no! it wasn't. My eyes literally lit up in seconds and I could feel how dilated they were from a combination of emotions that ran through me; surprise, shock and joy. Ordinarily, I would munch down a few spoonfuls of food and totally lose interest. Most of the time it looked so good I forgot to take pictures for my reviews, this one was quite different. it tasted divine! Did they change cooks or something, were they celebrating something I wasn...

How to style your dining table in 2020

Hello! Welcome to a new decade. Let me share with you a small style tip to transform your dining table or eating area. The video above sums it up pretty much. Your dining table will never be the same again :)

I’m Igbo but don’t think I will be marrying an Igbo man

I have been holding off discussing this topic for a while because of how controversial it can get. Let me start by speaking my truth on why this has become my opinion. I grew up in an Igbo household, where dad goes to work and provides while mum took care of the household. We would go home to the village every Christmas to visit our extended family,  It was compulsory for us. Everyone was usually very happy to see us when we arrived. In no time visitors began to flood the house including dads’-childhood friends. I remember my mum in the kitchen in her pretty dress catering to guests constantly. They would call her  “ Nwoye anyi” meaning our wife from time to time. Mum would be in there for hours on end  ( let me add a frustrating cry here for effect). The cooking never seemed to end, We cooked all the time! Sadly, mum and dad didn’t last long together,  so the responsibility fell on my sister and me.  I remember going home one Christmas and we stayed in ...

Let’s talk about grown-up stuff: Let’s talk S.E.X

It was 9: 45 pm and I was getting really bored watching the news, so I figured it was time to go to bed as I had an early start the next day,  I got into bed and decided to browse the internet for a bit. Social media is such an interesting place; I mean, you think you will be there for 10 mins and boom! It’s 2 am! That was exactly what happened to me. I was just about to force myself to sleep, then the phone rang,  it was my friend Bunmi “ Hello, Zee...are you awake?”  she asked  “ Yes, I am” I responded as I rolled my eyeballs; who did she think was speaking to, a robot? “I’m glad you are awake” she continued “ I am depressed”. That got me. I was now worried. It was past 2 am and I figured it must be something urgent. "Are you alright, is everything okay?” I asked hurriedly. “ Yes, well No” she continued “ It's just that I am getting really frustrated in this relationship” she added. She went back and forth about how she loved her man and how wonderful he was...

Don’t let them get you, ever!

The mind is such a beautiful part of being human because our thoughts are shaped and processed by our minds. What we believe to be true or a fact, becomes our reality. Excuse the long explanation and stuff.....let’s apply this theory to a real-life situation. Now, there is Brother A who is the optimistic go-getter, and there is Bother B; he has managed to convince himself that nothing good will ever come to him without a motive behind it. They go on living their lives, but brother A is the star; everyone loves being around him not because he doesn’t go through stuff himself but because his mindset has been programmed to take on challenges and seek out other ways to make things happen. Being around him is comforting and pleasurable. On the other hand, brother B blames everyone except himself for the failures he has experienced in life and comes to the conclusion that Brother A must be using some kind of juju because his mind can’t fantom how someone who wasn’t half as quali...