Good afternoon, the slight rainfall today makes it feels like we are still in the a.m. I love it😍 ... I have found that when we declutter we get rid of things we no longer need, find things we thought we lost and re-organise our lives and energies . Too much clutter can cause significant stress in our lives in numerous ways than I can count. . THE IMPORTANCE OF DE-CLUTTERING . . . ✅ You save more energy and devote attention to the important things that matter most to you ✅ You function and think better ✅ It is good for your emotional state, I can't function in clutter! - No one should ✅ You let go of things that no longer serve you ✅ It is therapeutic, try it and thank me later ... . This cup of tea is a reward to myself after de-cluttering today. A good job well done Zee! **Small reminder, my birthday is on the 28th** 😆
Zeeka documents her life experiences and also includes fiction stories on her blog. Expect everything from TRAVEL, WORK, HOME LIFE, FAMILY, LIFE HACKS, and general opinion on issues. Hey! It’s supposed to be fun, remember that. Be sure to leave a comment.