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As far as your eyes see


Hilda Baci’s quest to break the world record of cooking for more than 88 hours is a story of resilience, determination, and perseverance. Her unwavering commitment to this feat has not only inspired me but also taught me valuable lessons on how to develop resilience in the face of life’s challenges.

One of the first lessons that I learned from Hilda’s story is that resilience requires a clear goal and a well-defined plan. Hilda’s goal was clear – to break the world record for cooking for more than 88 hours. To achieve this goal, she developed a well-defined plan, which involved working with a team of professionals, meticulously planning her menu, and preparing herself both physically and mentally.

Another essential lesson that I learned from Hilda’s story is that resilience requires mental toughness and the ability to overcome setbacks. During her 88-hour cooking marathon, Hilda faced multiple challenges, including fatigue, stress, and physical strain. However, she continued to persevere, drawing on her inner strength and determination to overcome these obstacles.

Hilda’s story also taught me that resilience is not just about overcoming challenges but also about taking care of oneself. During her marathon cooking session, Hilda took regular breaks, stayed hydrated, and rested when necessary. These self-care practices not only helped her maintain her physical and mental health but also enabled her to stay focused on her goal.

Finally, Hilda’s story showed me that resilience is built on the foundation of support and collaboration. Hilda worked with a team of professionals, including a nutritionist, a physical therapist, and a sleep expert, to prepare for her cooking marathon. She also had the support of her family, friends, and community, who cheered her on throughout the process. This support system not only provided Hilda with the necessary resources and encouragement to achieve her goal but also helped her build resilience.

In conclusion, Hilda Baci’s quest to break the world record for cooking for more than 88 hours taught me valuable lessons about resilience. Her story demonstrated that resilience requires a clear goal and a well-defined plan, mental toughness and the ability to overcome setbacks, self-care practices, and the support and collaboration of others. These lessons are not only valuable in the pursuit of extraordinary feats but also in our everyday lives

We are proud of this feat!  And to you... Your dreams are valid and attainable.  


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