2020 has been an eye-opening year for many of us. It has taught us that making a change in our career paths and taking on a new work role isn't as daunting as we initially thought. In fact, the idea of starting anew can be quite exciting. With the current job market, now is the perfect time to take on a new challenge and explore opportunities that we may have been too afraid to take on before. It's time to embrace change and discover what the future holds.
It was 9: 45 pm and I was getting really bored watching the news, so I figured it was time to go to bed as I had an early start the next day, I got into bed and decided to browse the internet for a bit. Social media is such an interesting place; I mean, you think you will be there for 10 mins and boom! It’s 2 am! That was exactly what happened to me. I was just about to force myself to sleep, then the phone rang, it was my friend Bunmi “ Hello, Zee...are you awake?” she asked “ Yes, I am” I responded as I rolled my eyeballs; who did she think was speaking to, a robot? “I’m glad you are awake” she continued “ I am depressed”. That got me. I was now worried. It was past 2 am and I figured it must be something urgent. "Are you alright, is everything okay?” I asked hurriedly. “ Yes, well No” she continued “ It's just that I am getting really frustrated in this relationship” she added. She went back and forth about how she loved her man and how wonderful he was...
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