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Lagos trend - buy one get one FREE "Literally"

Have you noticed the trend too, or is it just me?
Well, if you haven't, I say welcome to my neighborhood where the puppy and dog population have finally taken over the entire area.

When I say dogs, I mean all kinds! We barely sleep these days, they resume barking from as early as 6 am till about midnight when they finally fall asleep.

As cute as they may look, their constant barking and dog droppings can drive anyone crazy.

I'm beginning to think that this has become some sort of a weird trend in Lagos.

Sometimes, I am forced to think that Nigerians overdo it just a little. We jump on trends blindly! I'm angry because I deal with situations like this every day. We constantly have to deal with aggressive barks coming from a neighbor's flat who has two badly behaved dogs that bark continuously as if they are high on weed.

It's so bad, it wakes the ent neighborhood up every morning and keeps us on our toes for the rest of the day... We try to to locate before they start thinking that we are the bad guys amd enemies of progress 

I’m hoping that one day soon, I’d be able to walk around the house freely again, what a day that will be! The birds will chirp happily and the sun will smile. 😊

On a final note, dogs are not stuffed animals; they live, breathe, and have emotions too. Somewhere in my mind, I imagine that these puppies are cursing their owners out whenever they grab them like rag dolls and use them as fashion accessories or on social media 

I love these furry-cute creatures but I am of the oionion that ownng on is a hige responsibilty 

Think about it, how many of us have the time and patience to look after a dog?
Your guess is good as mine, none!

We are talking about Lagos, where you wake up as early as 4 in the morning, spend half of your entire life in traffic, and then utilize the remaining time you have left to deal with things that are most likely not
 dog related.

I'm also talking about a country where houses and apartments are closely built, it's so close you could visit a neighbor by simply climbing from your window into theirs. 

This is a country that barely has recreational centers and parks for people let alone dogs!
We cut all our trees to pave way for modern buildings and malls.

Back to dogs now,  there are instances where some dog owners have been caught feeding their pets EBA and DRAW SOUP, JOLLOF RICE with lots of PEPPER, ALCOHOL: Constantly feeding them things that are harmful to their general well-being.

It's a tough world for these creatures out here. I do feel their pain ...

For those of you who sincerely love your dogs and care for them. I'd like to say "Well done" to those of you who want them and can't care for them. Come closer dear, I want to whisper something in your ear.




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