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Lagos life.......or harsh life?

Man writing in Tibetan
Last week I had a taste of the renewed and intensified effort of The Lagos State government to increase its internally generated revenue. Lagos has long been acknowledged as perhaps the only State that can survive without Federation account. I understand that Ogun State is strongly on the heels of Lagos. During the reign of Bola Ahmed Tinubu as governor of Lagos, very strategic decisions were taken, to make Lagos financially viable and independent. The first was the lagos version of the Land Use act called Land use charge,which compelled all land owners to pay tax on their property across the state. This was stoutly resisted especially by the organized Private sector,leading to court cases. It was eventually resolved in favour of the State, following government’s agreement to reduce the tax rate. Today this has become a major revenue for Lagos. So what oil should be for oil bearing states is what land is for Lagos!
Then there was the sales tax, which again was fought by the business class, largely because it was seen as double taxation. People who paid VAT were being asked to pay additional Sales tax. Again, after a long battle, the matter was settled in favour of the government, following its agreement to restrict the sales tax to ‘luxury’ items like hotel accommodation and alcoholic beverages. Governor Fashola consolidated all these additional taxes on the lagos residents and Lagos is swimming in revenues. Then enter Akinwunmi Ambode, former permanent secretary, former accountant general and the noose is tightened on the lagos residents. Ambode’s focus seems to be on expanding the income tax net to get especially the informal sector employees in. And is he doing a good job? You better bet!
My personal driver was assisting our pick up van driver( who was also in the van)to deliver some item to somebody in the Gbagada area of Lagos.  He was stopped by some guys called VIOs( Vehicle Inspection officers, I believe).
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