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Why You Need to Have Meals in Ghana

Variety they say is the spice of life, you can never get enough of the different variety of rich African delicacies  available in West Africa

I took a short to trip to Ghana and immediately wanted to try every dish available within the short time frame. these three dishes were all I had time for and must say …they are all very tasty!

Jollof rice, Chicken Kebab with Ghanaian Chili peppers
2 pounds Chicken
3 Onions
12 Tomatoes
15 Kpakpo shito (hot green peppers)
1 tablespoon blend of spices (ginger, garlic, onion, bay leaves, cloves, rosemary)
3 tablespoons tomato puree
1 desertpoon curry
4 cups rice
2 cups cooking oil
2 maggi cubes
Start by cutting  chicken into equal parts, remove skin and wash thoroughly and set aside
NEXT marinate Chicken with   spices: 1 maggi cube  and pinch of salt.
Leave it to marinate in the fridge for about 15 minutes.
Slice  onions, wash and drain the rice set aside and then blend the tomatoes and pepper.
Place the chicken in a pot and steam until tender. Add a little water (about half a cup)make sure you add some water so you chicken does not burn and stick to pan When it is cooked, separate  cooked chicken from stock and lace both in two separate bowls
heat 1 and a half cup of oil in a pan and  fry the chicken lightly until its golden brown
put three soup in a bigger pot and heat till hot add onion and curry fry till its brown
Add the blended tomatoes and pepper. Cover for 5 minutes t, then remove cover and allow to fry dry, stirring it occassionaly and not letting it stick after  1 minute add the chicken stock.
Add the fried chicken, reduce  heat and let it simmer so the chicken pieces can soak up  flavor. Stir occasionally so that it doesn’t stick.
When it thickens, take the chicken leaving the remaining sauce in the pot
continue to cook adding some oil used for frying chicken ,then add the tomato puree. Fry until  dry( almost sticking to the bottom of the pot)
Add the rice and continue to stir.
Add 4 cups of water and the remaining maggi cube and salt to taste
Reduce the heat to avoid rice from burning , cover with a polythene bag and leave to cook.
After 15 minutes, stir it from the bottom, with kitchen prongs, so that it stays fluffy. If it seems dry, add sparingly  1/4 cup of water  using your hand. Cover pot and leave to cook some more.
Serve with  salad. Enjoy with friends and family
I also tried these two dishes and was amazed the the burst of flavors

Ghanaian Fufou and Ghanaian style light Tomaso sou with variety of Meat

Fried Yam with grilled Chicken and kpakpo shito
Fried_yam ghana


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