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Tell the truth - does your watch really work?

Which are you? The one who has a variety of useless watches that are now makeshift bracelets or the one who would dutifully take them for repairs when the battery is flat.

If you ask where I belong, I'd say with those who have turned their wristwatches into some sort of 'Wrist ornament'. I don't even own a clock, the time doesn't even read correctly in my car! 

The only accurate time would be the one found on my phone - that's it! 

Is there something wrong with us? Why is it that almost everyone tells time using their phones, is technology the problem?

I remember those good old days... way before mobile phones and way before the computers, when our wristwatches/clocks were the only alternatives, if you didn't have one, you were screwed! 

I had a wall clock, I panicked if something ever happened to it... it was like living in another reality; where you were stuck in your world and the rest of humanity were in another, you felt completely cut off mentally when you were unable to tell the proper time. It affects everything! 

Here's my story: one day, I woke up, looked at the time, made a mad dash for the door and without a shower!  I had only reached the end of the street before realising something was wrong.
I was convinced it was 6:30 am why did everything feel strange? 

I felt the need to ask someone just in case. I proceeded across the street to a roadside store and asked the mallam if he could tell me what time it was, his response? "Kai! Na 6:35 pm, where you dey go?"  
"No way!" I exclaimed, "No be morning dis?" I replied. He burst out laughing when he heard my answer and he did not stop until I made my way back home, that laughter followed me as I walked the path to the house. I could still hear it.

"Damn clock!" I muttered under my breath.  It must have been broken for a while and I didn't notice. 
Now, picture the look on  everyone's face when they saw me in my school uniform;  it went from confusion, shock and then relief, of course, the annoying laughter came afterwards and then the teasing. It didn't stop until months after. 

They spoke about it at every gathering as if to say they were physically there with me when it all happened, trust them to add 'pepper and salt'

They told everyone that cared to listen including the mother of the boy I was crushing on at the time.  
The kids in the neighbourhood also had a good laugh, they gave me a nickname, I think it was "Doctor Who?" 
Guess what? That clock never missed a correct time afterwards. 

It has been years since that episode, and through it all we have witnessed changes in the way we live and conduct  business. With the introduction of technology and its ever-changing cycle, life as we know it, is no longer the same.  
The influx of mobile phones and other gadgets has made it easy to tell time, we have lots of  opitons.
I honestly don't remember checking my watch or clock for time, phones are almost always accurate and don't need frequent battery changes.
This begs the question, do we really need them? 

I also often wonder how business must be for the repairers.

Do you still have a functioning watch or clock? don't lie.  


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