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My Heart...I'm So In Love.

I was listening to Johnny Drille's - Romeo and Juliet and watching my favorite TV show at the same time when my doorbell rang, It was Nonso, he lived on my street, and I was secretly crushing on him. It was quite a shock to see him because all we did was smile at each other whenever we crossed paths jogging every morning.

He was a very handsome man and quite tall, If I could guess correctly I would say he was around 6ft 4 inches tall. All the girls loved Nonso, he was such a charmer. He had beautiful dark brown glistening skin and a very toned body and nice legs; let me also add that, Nunu, as he was fondly called had the most amazing smile which showed off his cute dimples every time he smiled and he also had eyes that looked through your soul.

Oh!..back to my story. So, here he was standing outside my front door, and here I was staring back at him in shock.  I did my best to hide my expression. His presence suddenly made me weak in the knees. I must have stared at him for what seemed like an eternity before I heard him smile and say, " Hi, I hope it's okay to talk to you for a second, can I come in?"

Did he just ask if he could come in?! He could move in and take over my heart too while at it. Omg! that smile... I must have muttered a YES under my breath because he asked me to repeat myself, this time I uttered  "Yes" out loud and as quickly as I could; clearing my throat in the process. "Please, come in".

 Oh Shit! My apartment was not in top shape at the moment!!! It would have been great if I had some music going in the background, probably some scented candles lit and a bottle of wine to set the mood but it was the exact opposite.  I had just got back from work a while back and my jacket was tossed on the couch, my shoes spread out on the floor across each-other and other items from my handbag scattered practically everywhere. I remember apologizing profusely as a tried to clear out the mess, offering him a seat at the same time.
I turned over to look at him as he sat down, admiring his chiseled body real quick feigning seriousness and asking why he was here to see me. His response was not what I expected to hear. He talked about how he had heard that I could assist in fixing some tech problems he was having and was told I could help. What happened to " I am your knight in shiny armor and I'm here to win your love?" smh!

We had a very interesting evening discussing various topics only to find out that we had a lot in common. In between laughs, I would pause to think and wonder if this was God giving me a sign.

All of a sudden, he yelled,  " Oh my God! look at the time. I'm so sorry for staying here this late, it was nice getting to know you. Hopefully, you can help fix my problem soon.
" Same here" I replied. " Let me walk you to the door". But in my head, my response was' I CAN HELP YOU FIX ALL YOUR PROBLEMS SWEETIE. lol

 I made my way to the door and opened it as he brushed past me lightly as he walked out, it felt electric. He stopped, looked back at me, and whispered. "I wish we could be more than friends, I really like you," He said that and was leaning in for a kiss and then all of a sudden, my niece who had been asleep in the guest room all along tapped me from behind.

"Aunty, Auntyyyy... what's wrong with you?" I looked at her, looked at the clock on the wall, and looked at the TV which was by this time showing a  noisy and annoying music video that had some scantly clad girls shaking their behind rigorously as they wiggled beside a very skinny male artist who was dressed in an oversized T-shirt and was also adorned in what seemed to be a cheap gold plated metal neckpiece with words I could not quite make out inscribed on them, Singing loudly about nothing, brought me back home. It dawned on me that I was dreaming all along. I looked at her, hissed, and said, "God...when?!"


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