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I Did it All by Myself - No Shame at all

I can't believe it, all of it is gone! I had ordered a portion of yam porridge, plantain porridge and some vegetable to go with it with the thought that one may taste better than the other and at least I will be compensated with whichever tasted better.

I whipped out my phone and took a hasty picture and was ready to post a not-so-good review on google. But, guess what? the first taste of each spoon sent me to heaven and back!
I tried it the second time to make sure that my tastebuds weren't playing tricks on me, but alas, no! it wasn't. My eyes literally lit up in seconds and I could feel how dilated they were from a combination of emotions that ran through me; surprise, shock and joy.

Ordinarily, I would munch down a few spoonfuls of food and totally lose interest. Most of the time it looked so good I forgot to take pictures for my reviews, this one was quite different. it tasted divine! Did they change cooks or something, were they celebrating something I wasn't aware of?  I am a regular here but this meal was the most satisfying experience. Omg!

I was still in utter disbelief when I was about to take the last spoonful of porridge.
Now, I'm looking at my empty plate in satisfaction after I was sure I did a good job clearing it. Ready to leave and sweating profusely on the insides of my wig (even though the Ac units were on full blast) I realized that I couldn't move, it started to sink in  I AM OVERFED, at the moment, I'm feeling like a huge sack of (Garri) cassava flakes stuck on a restaurants seat.
"This food was really good", I thought to myself. "What kind of sorcery is this?" I wish you could see the number of flips and breakdance I did in my head.

As I speak to you, I am picking my teeth with a toothpick, with one button on my jeans trouser open to accommodate my tummy and staring out of the window and thinking how wonderful the world is.

                                                                          Actual photo


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