2020 has been an eye-opening year for many of us. It has taught us that making a change in our career paths and taking on a new work role isn't as daunting as we initially thought. In fact, the idea of starting anew can be quite exciting. With the current job market, now is the perfect time to take on a new challenge and explore opportunities that we may have been too afraid to take on before. It's time to embrace change and discover what the future holds. In 2023, many of us are looking to make a transition in our career paths. Whether it’s leaping from traditional 9-5 to freelancing or starting a new job in a brand new field, the idea of making a career transition can be daunting. But, with the right resources, advice, and strategies, it can be a rewarding and successful journey. The first step to transitioning in your career is to take inventory of your skills and experience. What do you bring to the table? Are there gaps in your skillset that you cou...
Zeeka documents her life experiences and also includes fiction stories on her blog. Expect everything from TRAVEL, WORK, HOME LIFE, FAMILY, LIFE HACKS, and general opinion on issues. Hey! It’s supposed to be fun, remember that. Be sure to leave a comment.