Have you ever wondered what the world would be like without 'GOSSIP', I can just imagine a bunch of people smiling all day and the others who have taken 'gossip' as a part time or full time jobs.. either bored or fustrated but smiling anyway...lol Was going through my phone for updates and I saw a post on a friends 'PM' and she was talking about her encounter with some drama queen and how this individual liked to talk about her and it reminded me of my own personal experience and what I heard about myself lately, usually I didn't have any kind of reaction when things like that happen, one might expect I start yelling, pull at my hair fuming and breathing fire..but I stop to think how much it cost me to make my precious hair ,buy the hair piece and how long I sat at the salon to get it done and quickly changed my mind, besides I would hate to mess up my make up. Instead I end up feeling sorry for them and thought how sad and lonely these people really ...
Zeeka documents her life experiences and also includes fiction stories on her blog. Expect everything from TRAVEL, WORK, HOME LIFE, FAMILY, LIFE HACKS, and general opinion on issues. Hey! It’s supposed to be fun, remember that. Be sure to leave a comment.