Be sincere! I know you feel that way sometimes wish you can smack the taste out of their mouth on the busy streets of Lagos. it's annoying how many people don't care for their safety, let alone the safety of other road users. Don't get me wrong, most of the time these aren't drivers under the influence; it's either caused by plain ignorance or stupidity. Certain factors drive an unqualified driver in search of a job especially when they hear the pay is good. A good-paying job does not equal having the right skill set to apply. Unfortunately, they scheme their way in with the hopes to learn on the job. Okada/motorcycle and Keke riders, danfo buses, and major public transport drivers have gradually turned driving experiences into nightmares. I recall getting a call one fine morning for a job at a recording studio and I figured taking a bike would help me beat traffic and get me there on time, I got a bike almost immediately - wrong decision The firs...
Zeeka documents her life experiences and also includes fiction stories on her blog. Expect everything from TRAVEL, WORK, HOME LIFE, FAMILY, LIFE HACKS, and general opinion on issues. Hey! It’s supposed to be fun, remember that. Be sure to leave a comment.